At Rise Up Psychological Services we recognise every child, teen and family is unique and take the interest to tailor our services to meet our clients individual needs.

We specialise in providing psychological assessment and therapy to children and adolescents experiencing a range of difficulties. Some common areas we work with include:

  • Addressing attachment and relationship difficulties
  • Complex Developmental Trauma and PTSD
  • Behavioural, Emotional and Social Challenges
  • Emotional regulation difficulties
  • Impacts of social media
  • Impulsivity, disruptiveness, defiance, low frustration tolerance, anger and high reactivity or proactive aggression
  • Unsafe and risk behaviours
  • Difficulty making and/ or maintaining friendships
  • Low resilience
  • Difficulties asserting self, low self esteem and low self confidence
  • Anxiety (separation anxiety, social anxiety, generalised anxiety, specific fears or phobias, subclinical anxiety)
  • Depression
  • Children under 10 displaying sexual harmful or problematic behaviours
  • Adjustment difficulties
  • Grief and loss.

We embrace Neurodiversity and take pride knowing we provide Neurodiversity Affirming Care.

We work with neurodivergent differences including but not limited to Autistic people, ADHDers, Giftedness, and learning differences. We aim to gain understanding of ones neurotype differences, are sensitive to specific needs and abilities to our neurodivergent clients, focus on strengths, develop functioning skills, reduce co-existent mental health conditions and trauma, help reduce impairment caused by inadequate or inappropriate supports and provisions, and commit to ensuring the provision of necessary accommodations and supports within our client’s care system so they can be happy, safe, and thrive developmentally to their potential.

Parental Support, Skill Development and Coaching

We provide systemic support and hold the wonderful village of people who love, teach, hold and care for our clients.

We take the time to recognise and understand the quality of a child?s primary relationships and parenting experienced as we believe this is a key determinant of the future psychological, emotional, and social development of children and adolescents.

We offer parental support, coaching and skill development when parents are feeling helpless, hopeless, highly stressed, rejected or disconnected with their child/teen, low parenting enjoyment and satisfaction, having relationship difficulties with their child/teen or finding they are becoming more reactive than what they normally would with their child or teen. We support parents and carers to build relationship security, their emotional literacy, and that of their child or teen, so they can better connect with their child or teen, respond with empathy and validation, and help build their child and teen’s developmental capacities.

We are real in knowing parenting doesn’t come with a manual and it can be a roller coaster journey many parents are not prepared for or ill equipped to ride. We offer evidence-based parenting programs specific to different age-related groups both within individual and group contexts such as Circle of Security, Tuning into Kids, Tuning into Teens, 1,2,3 Magic, and the Reparative Parenting Program.

We believe child protection is everyone’s responsibility in the community, not just that of parents, families and carers of children and adolescents. We have zero tolerance of child abuse, neglect and maltreatment, and are committed to exploring children’s safety within their care systems. All safety concerns and allegations are treated seriously, sensitively, and consistently with our legal and ethical obligations.

Registered Circle of Security Facilitators