We provide assessment services for children, adolescents and adults.

We employ a holistic, multi-source and multi-method framework for assessments, and work collaboratively with families throughout the process. We offer:

  • Cognitive (IQ) psychometric assessment to identify a client’s cognitive functioning, strengths and weaknesses to inform educational planning, teaching approaches, identify support needs, and help guiden intervention planning.
  • Educational Assessments using the WIAT-III evaluating a child’s level of academic achievement. It can identify strengths and weaknesses in academic skills and evaluate your child’s performance to other children their age or grade. It can assess academic skills in reading, writing, mathematics, and oral language.
  • Treatment suitability, responsivity and needs planning
  • Social Emotional Behavioural Assessment
  • ADHD assessment for Children and ADHD screening assessments for Adults
  • Post Traumatic Stress Assessments and other psychological sequelae of traumatic events such as the Child and Adolescent Trauma Screen (CATS-2), Impact of Events Scale, Trauma Symptom Inventory or Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children
  • Autism Diagnostic Assessment (Inc (ADOS, ADI-R, and adaptive functioning assessment)
  • Adaptive Functioning assessments across the lifespan using the ABAS-3. It assists in diagnosing and classifying various developmental, learning, neurodevelopmental and behavioural disabilities and disorders, and help with treatment planning.
  • Mental Health assessments
  • Psychosocial Functioning Assessments
  • Parenting Capacity assessments
  • Personality Assessments
  • Restoration and placement viability assessments
  • Assessment for fitness to consent to adoption